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Hustler University Andrew Tate – Is It Legitimate?

hustler university andrew tate

Hustler university andrew tate  Tate is a suite of courses that thousands of people pay a monthly subscription fee to take. It claims to teach users how to make money, and a lot of it. But there are a lot of questions about the legitimacy of these programs.

Originally created on Discord, the university has since moved to a self-hosted platform called The Real World. It has its own payment processor, and is licensed to receive funds by the creator. The Real World also has many of the same features that the original HU discord channel had, including an active community of course members.

Andrew Tate’s Hustler University: Unveiling the Secrets to Success

The university has more than 30 “campuses.” Some are more specialized than others. For example, one campus teaches students how to trade stocks. Another is called the Fitness campus, which teaches how to stay healthy and fit. One of the most popular campuses is called The Matrix Campus, where students are encouraged to post videos on Tiktok mentioning HU and asking new viewers to join “The Real World.”

While some of these communities are active, others have shut down or lost their members. BuzzFeed News has seen messages posted in the HU discord channels in which users discuss the departure of fellow students, and one user said that he was told by a HU staff member to be ashamed for canceling his membership. Still, those who remain are largely satisfied with their experience. Nox, for example, says he only had $3,000 to his name when he joined the program, and now makes over $200 a day running his own business consultancy with skills he learned in the HU program.